
Calls for Proposals

Closing date: May 3, 2024

Deepening Democracy and Social Accountability to Advance Constitutionalism


About Hlanganisa

Hlanganisa is an intermediary grant maker supporting community-led programmes in Southern Africa. Our vision is a just and equitable world that values community-led solutions and is free of violence and discrimination. Hlanganisa’s current strategic focal areas include Access to Justice, Climate and Energy Justice, Democracy and Social Accountability and Gender Justice.

As Hlanganisa grows its Democracy and Social Accountability, we invite social change advocates working at grassroots levels in South Africa to apply for small grants to enhance and deepen their work.

About the Call

Grassroots organizations, alliances and movements are integral in strengthening democracy, fostering active citizenry, and promoting social accountability. This call for proposals seeks to consolidate Hlanganisa’s work in partnering with communities to deepen democracy by building capacities to define local problems and build competencies in holding public institutions to account.

Proposal Parameters

This call for proposals is open to community-based organisations, grassroots social justice movements, coalitions and alliances based in South Africa. Applicants from rural and peri-urban areas are strongly encouraged to apply.

Through this call, Hlanganisa will support innovative applications for initiatives for the following thematic priorities;

Theme 1: Youth  political participation. Young people make up 70% in sub-Saharan Africa, and as this number grows, the region is expected to reap a demographic dividend. Despite this, the age of the average voter is 35 years and older. The underrepresentation of youth in the political space denies them an opportunity to participate in shaping a world that delivers on their aspirations. There are several barriers to youth participation in politics, including gaps in political knowledge and information, complex transition to adulthood, low economic position. Under this theme, Hlanganisa will consider funding organisations, movements and other social formations working with young people, giving them the voice, platform, and skills to participate meaningfully in political processes. Initiatives led and convened by young people or organisations representing young people will be prioritized.

Theme 2: Fostering active citizenry, promoting social accountability for good governance.

The annual auditor general’s report provides a detailed assessment of spending and compliance within public entities. Over the years, we have seen an increase in noncompliance by local government authorities. Although these reports are useful to the public, they are published after the horse has bolted. It is imperative for ordinary citizens to engage more proactively with local government budgets and expenditure, so as to ensure that spending is aligned to agreed priorities. And within the prescripts of the PFMA.  Hlanganisa will support community based organisation and movements that seek to promote social accountability, ensuring that citizens are engaged with local stakeholders in an effort to increase accountability of public officials. This work will include monitoring of quality of services, budget tracking and monitoring. Priority will be given to initiatives that use innovative tools and methodologies  to hold local government to account.

Theme 3: Strengthening democracy and constitutionalism at local level. Independence in South Africa ushered a new dawn anchored on a robust constitution which guarantees civil and socioeconomic rights to all citizens. An awareness of these constitutional provisions is integral to full participation in the democratic dispensation.

Research points to the important role that civic education and awareness plays in how communities understand the constitution, the Bill of Rights in particular. Hlanganisa will consider applications from community-based organisations that develop and implement civic education programmes that are aimed at educating citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of active participation in democratic processes. Some activities to be considered will include citizen journalism, workshops, community dialogues, and educational materials targeted at various age groups.

Theme 4: Violence prevention and mitigation for cohesive communities. Community-level and interpersonal violence is prevalent in many communities in South Africa. There are several community-level players that are strategically positioned to respond to the complex manifestations and root causes of violence. Hlanganisa seeks to support innovative violence prevention programmes that address interpersonal violence, vigilantism, xenophobia, gender-based violence and political violence.

Basic Eligibility Criteria  for Applicants

  • Community-based organisations that have been working in social justice, democracy, and social accountability programming for more than 3 years in the rural and peri urban area in South Africa.
  • Grassroots social justice coalition, alliance and movements should be in existence for more than 3 years and operating in South Africa.
  • Existing network within the community that the proposed project will be implemented.
  • Applicants should have a governance structure in place.
  • Alignment of proposed activity with the thematic areas of the fund and Hlanganisa’s overarching vision.
  • Ability to deliver programme activities and provide reports within the timelines required.
  • Have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics.
  • Willingness to receive support to strengthen the institutional and programme capacity.


Exclusion criteria

Proposals for the following will not be considered for support:

  • Political parties and candidates, electoral campaign work
  • Municipal, regional, or national government institutions
  • Projects that are discriminatory in any form
  • Tertiary Institutions and colleges
  • Faith based organisations
  • Bursaries
  • Early childhood development / education institutions
  • Individual entrepreneurs and enterprises
  • Home-based care projects
  • Loans and seed funding

Grant Size and Funding Duration

Grant size: R150 000.00. Implementation should not span over 18 months, starting from May 2024.

Application Process

Interested applicants must complete the online application before the submission deadline on 03 May  2024. Proposals must be completed and submitted online on this link.  Applicants requiring guidance and/ or technical assistance should send their request for assistance to grants@hlanganisa.org.za . All requests should be submitted by 02 May 2024.


Call for proposals open for submission of applications for funding


Applicants to submit questions and requests for technical support


Application for funding should be submitted here by the submission deadline

19 April 2024


02 May 2024


03 May 2024 at 23:59

Proposal EvaluationProposals are assessed and scored6- 10 May 2024
Proposal outcomes The outcome of proposal evaluation communicated to all applicants13 May 2024
Due diligence/ Feedback for shortlisted ProposalsShortlisted proposals are invited to present their proposed project and  due diligence assessments conducted 15 – 17 May 2024
Final selection   Final selection and contracting process20 – 24   May 2024
Project Start

Start date for project activities


May 2024

Hlanganisa anticipates awarding multiple grants under this call for proposals for all the thematic areas with an aggregate value of up to R5 400 000.00. The final grant amounts will be determined by Hlanganisa Grants Selection Committee

Hlanganisa reserves the right to:

  • Decline to consider any application that do not conform to any aspects of the application requirements.